New DCAR HQ is Nearing Completion!

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The new DC office is almost done, and we are absolutely thrilled with how it’s coming together. We don’t yet have a date set for a grand opening, but it’s not far away, as you’ll see in the pictures below. It’s remarkable how much has changed since our last big update on the building, which… Read more »

Great Success at DCAR Advocacy Day

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DCAR hosted its fourth annual Advocacy Day on Nov. 16, and it was a resounding success! About two dozen DCAR leaders spent the day at the Wilson Building meeting with DC Councilmembers and their staffs, discussing a number of issues that are of utmost importance to REALTORS®. The primary topic was, of course, TOPA reform…. Read more »

New DCAR Office Update

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The new DCAR office is under construction, and while we don’t have an exact date yet for its grand opening, it’s coming along nicely. We went to take a look at its progress last week, and we wanted to share an update with you, as you’ll be affected by it as much as anybody. 1615… Read more »

Tuesday Tidbits: Winterize Your Home

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Don’t Wait Until Winter It’s important to act early. Winterizing your home once winter has already started is like putting on sunscreen after you’ve already gotten a sunburn. Take some time to winterize your home now to save yourself a huge hassle — and bill — later. How to Winterize Your Home It feels like… Read more »

Tuesday Tidbits: Halloween Special

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Creepy Crawlies Whether you have spiders or crickets, rats or bats, or any other unwanted guests this Halloween, help is available. Few things are scarier than a spider greeting you in your bathroom in the morning. Here’s how to keep them out of your house. Got roaches? Here are some tips to get rid of… Read more »

Angela Jones is the 2017 REALTOR of the Year!

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Angela Jones has been named the DCAR 2017 REALTOR of the Year! Please join us in congratulating her. Angela has been an authentic and powerful voice for DCAR. She has never been afraid to ask the hard questions, whether it’s of the Council or her peers, and she has helped keep DCAR on the right… Read more »

Tuesday Tidbits: Sell Your Buyer

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Here at DCAR, we want to make your jobs easier. That’s why we’ve started up our Tuesday Tidbits series, a now bi-weekly email that will provide you with a useful, relevant piece of information that will hopefully come in handy as you work. If you missed any of the previous editions, those are archived here…. Read more »

Tuesday Tidbits: First-Time Homebuyer Tips

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Here at DCAR, we want to make your jobs easier. That’s why we’ve started up our Tuesday Tidbits series, a weekly email that will provide you with a useful, relevant piece of information that will hopefully come in handy as you work. If you missed any of the previous editions, those are archived here. Much… Read more »

Tuesday Tidbits: Social Media Strategy

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*Tuesday Tidbits is back this week after a one-week hiatus, which was used to focus on TOPA. If you missed all the TOPA updates, check out our wrapup of the hearing here.* Here at DCAR, we want to make your jobs easier. That’s why we’ve started up our Tuesday Tidbits series, a weekly email that… Read more »

TOPA Hearing Wrapup

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The historic DC Council hearing on TOPA reform was yesterday, and what a day it was! Nearly 200 people showed up and more than two dozen people took the stand in front of the Committee on Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization, all to support fixing TOPA. Councilmember Anita Bonds, who chairs the Housing Committee, was shocked… Read more »