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The Old Ball Game – Nothing completes the summer season like a night at the ball game. Our friends at GCAAR, our Local Association, are selling tickets for the Battle of the Beltways on August 24th. However, we have a great offer for DCAR members. Read more »

Posted by & filed under For REALTORS.

What A Heatwave – Two-thirds of the summer are in the books and that means it’s time to chill out for a mid-year review. Our year of advocacy went the distance. From taxes to vacant properties, we covered many policies and regulations.

We also worked to connect you with fellow colleagues and heads of top DC agencies. Our Speaker Series remained a big hit; plus, we hosted a town hall election debate between the District’s At-Large hopefuls. Nevertheless, we remembered to add a little fun to the mix. Read more »

Posted by & filed under For Homebuyers & Renters, For Policymakers & Media, For REALTORS.

“So 8 may rise!”

In 2014, a rallying cry sparked a movement to bring stability to a part of DC reeling from the passing of its sitting Councilmember and former Mayor, Marion S. Barry, Jr. In the center of this movement was an upstart community organizer with a background in non-profit economic and housing development named LaRuby May. May knew what communities in Ward 8 needed, and those needs were jobs, public safety, services for seniors, and youth advocacy. To LaRuby, what was needed to improve the community was to provide opportunities for people from all walks of life to grow and serve the ward. As a Ward 8 resident for 13 years, LaRuby observed how the Ward could be improved through compassionate policy and a boots-on-the-ground work ethic. Read more »

Posted by & filed under For Homebuyers & Renters, For Policymakers & Media, For REALTORS.

The DC Council is considering legislation that could impact vacant & blighted properties, construction, and renovations in DC.

The DC government and in particular, the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA), is focused on finding potentially positive ways to address ‘blighted’ and ‘nuisance’ properties along with faulty construction projects.

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Posted by & filed under For Homebuyers & Renters, For Policymakers & Media, For REALTORS.

It’s Been One Week – And what a week it turned out to be for NAR’s Legislative Meetings and Trade Expo. We are giving you a week-in-review treatment so you can stay informed. We are giving a quick rundown on what happened at the federal, state and local levels. We’ll keep it short this week because there’s quite a bit to digest. Read more »

Posted by & filed under For Homebuyers & Renters, For Policymakers & Media, For REALTORS.


As a DC REALTOR®, you know how damaging recordation and transfer taxes can be to a real estate deal. GCAAR, our Local Association, is fighting a drastic increase in the recordation tax proposed by the Montgomery County Council.

This Tuesday, May 10, GCAAR will load up a fleet of buses with members to march on the Council steps and say, “There has to be a better way!” You can join in as well because you know how this legislation could also creep its way into the District.

You may sign up for bus service or register to drive yourself (and colleagues) to the hearing. A complimentary lunch from the Bean Bag Deli will be served. Need driving or Metro directions? Read here.

Date: 5/10/2016 | Time: 1:30 PM | Location: Montgomery County Council Building, 100 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, MD