Posted by & filed under For Homebuyers & Renters, For Policymakers & Media, For REALTORS.

The DC Council is considering legislation that could impact vacant & blighted properties, construction, and renovations in DC.

The DC government and in particular, the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA), is focused on finding potentially positive ways to address ‘blighted’ and ‘nuisance’ properties along with faulty construction projects.

For perspective, here is what the community is talking about.

DCAR is reviewing the current proposals as well as working on some of our own. We understand the District’s concerns; however, the rights of real property owners should not be infringed upon if they are actively maintaining their properties.

Here are some examples of what is on the table.

  • Vacant and Blighted Properties
    • Expanding investigations of buildings with low or non-active water meters; limiting the maximum duration of vacant property tax exemptions for construction; and allowing tax rebates for those who purchase vacant properties. DCRA must be contacted to change a designation. 
  • Rental Housing Accommodation Nuisance Abatement
    • Allowing the filing of actions to terminate, instruct or prevent any rental housing accommodation that has operated in a pattern of neglect for a period of 30 consecutive days.

In the construction realm, our primary concern is protecting the REALTOR® community and homeowners against liability from faulty construction.

  • Faulty Construction
    • Increasing penalties for construction and zoning code violations; expanding identification and background checks for beneficial owners of an LLC; denying of permits in cases of criminal records, penalties or violations; and requiring builders to post bonds for construction projects into a homeowner protection fund. 
  • Affordable Housing Rehab
    • Creating a mechanism to transform certain vacant, blighted, condemned, and empty properties into affordable housing; allowing a recordation and tax exemption for affordable housing projects that include non-residential community use.

Overall, REALTORS® will continue working with the Council and DCRA to maintain a strong balance of protecting property rights and homeowners while encouraging the positive development of vibrant communities in the District.

To read DCAR’s full Public Policy Report, click here. For questions, contact

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