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What A Heatwave – Two-thirds of the summer are in the books and that means it’s time to chill out for a mid-year review. Our year of advocacy went the distance. From taxes to vacant properties, we covered many policies and regulations.

We also worked to connect you with fellow colleagues and heads of top DC agencies. Our Speaker Series remained a big hit; plus, we hosted a town hall election debate between the District’s At-Large hopefuls. Nevertheless, we remembered to add a little fun to the mix.

(Clockwise from top-left) Kevin Breckenridge speaks alongside Bradley Runyan and Tom Muldoon. Hearing the testimony was the Committee of Finance and Revenue. Our members also showed great support. 2016 President Angela Jones and Past President Bonnie Roberts-Burke deliver their testimony.First-Time Homebuyers: Earlier this year, nearly fifty of our members braved the chill of winter to advocate for the First-Time Homebuyer Tax Benefit Bill. We championed lower recordation and transfer taxes, which will benefit DC residents and we will continue delivering that message.

TOPA: As always, DCAR continues its efforts to modernize and improve TOPA through the work of its TOPA task force. They have played an integral role in keeping our recommendations at the forefront of the DC Council (e.g. clarifying the definition of “tenant).

Vacant/Blighted Properties: More recently, DCAR testified on vacant/blighted properties and illegal construction. You may read the proposed regulations on vacant and blighted properties here and here. Generally, while we support the enforcement of blighted properties, a vacant property should remain in good standing if it is properly maintained.

Illegal Construction: We also support initiatives that protect our members and their clients against illegal construction as long as they are practical. Tougher enforcement is needed against bad actors, as is more transparency and accountability in the regulatory system. You may download our testimony for further information.

Illegal Construction: We also support initiatives that protect our members and their clients against illegal construction as long as they are practical. Tougher enforcement is needed against bad actors, as is more transparency and accountability in the regulatory system. You may download our testimony for further information.

Ex-Offenders/Returning Residents: Lastly, DCAR recognizes the problems ex-offenders and returning residents face when they re-enter to the community. Any law enacted to tackle this complicated issue should be rehabilitative as opposed to punitive for those trying their best to comply (Read more).

Other highlights include –

  • Covering DC’s Budget Plan – We reviewed Mayor Bowser’s proposed Budget and its impact on DC’s housing market
  • How RPAC benefits DC REALTORS® in a Huge Way – Did you know 70% of your DC RPAC investment stays in the District? Now you know!
  • Keeping Watch Over New Affordable Housing Proposals – We kept you in the know about new measures allowing abatement for properties held up by administrative tax road blocks.
  • Addressing Rental Housing Providers – Many DCAR members work in the rental community, so we recognize the importance of clearly written legislation. We advocated for less burdensome rental regulations to ease the business relationship between tenants and housing providers.
    • See our recent examples of Affordable Housing and Housing Provider advocacy.
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We have been working all year to connect you to the top levels of the DC government. Serving as your State Association, we give you access to agency officials and subject matter experts.

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DCAR works hard to cover the bases (legislatively speaking) and keeps you informed of opportunities to meet heads of top agencies. However, we also make sure to add a little time for our members to connect with their community and colleagues. Here is what we have done so far.

Be on the lookout this fall for our Speaker Series Luncheons and legislative alerts. We also have a slate of happy hours coming up, including the DCAR Installation and Holiday Party scheduled for Thursday, December 1.

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